Sample Problems

How do the challenges work in Code Clash?

The Code Clash contest will be composed of a series of challenges, no less than ten challenges.  Each challenge will have equal point value, although they may vary in difficulty.  Each challenge will have a problem statement, where the challenge is explained in detail.  The format of inputs and expected outputs will be detailed in each problem statement.  At least one sample test case will be included with each problem statement.  Teams must work together to develop a single solution to each challenge that will produce the desired result.

Our samples

To help teams prepare for the Code Clash competition, we have provided three sample challenges.  Teams may complete these exercises for practice and to get a feel for how the competition will work.

Further resources

You are also encouraged to explore other online resources in order to practice for the event.  We recommend referencing other programming competitions and puzzle websites to best prepare for our competition.  Some resources that we recommend include CodinGame and Google KickStart.

How you should prepare for Code Clash

There is no one set way that teams should prepare for this competition.  It is not necessary to go to the extreme when practicing for this event, but rather you may prepare in any way that your team would like.  We do not think that it is necessary to “study” for this competition, and we do not encourage over-preparing.  We have included these sample problems to use as a resource to get a feel for how the competition will go, so do not feel it is necessary to over analyze them.  If your team would like, you may design your own practice procedures and train your team members prior to the competition, but this is optional.


If you have any questions regarding the event, feel free to send the Code Clash team an email at [email protected].  To register your team for Code Clash, click here.